Texas Attorneys Counsel Clients Through Child Support Process

Child support payments can at times produce friction between the paying party and the receiving party. While, ideally, the exchange would involve minimal confrontation and maximum agreement, this is not always the case. As this blog reported in a previous post, sometimes it is necessary for the Texas court system to become involved in enforcing child support payments.

When a parent who is supposed to be receiving child support payments finds that it is necessary to bring the matter into the court system, it can be a very stressful time, just as it can be for a parent who has been ordered to pay child support. The attorneys of The Parker Firm are aware of how child support requirements may affect families and represent parents on both sides of the issue.

The firm’s attorneys can help clients to obtain the most generous order available by ensuring that all eligible resources are included in the calculations for a support order, as well as helping these clients if it becomes necessary to enforce a child support order. For those clients who are anticipating a support order will be enforced, the firm’s attorneys can help identify any appropriate exemptions or expenditures that should be considered before determining a child support calculation.

It is imperative that careful decisions are made about child support payments, and that Texas parents have thoughtful guidance to help them during this process, from negotiating with the other parent, to navigating the court system and its requirements. The Parker Firm can help clients during this process.
