Getting What Your Child is Owed
When it comes to child support, the State of Texas takes its obligations very seriously. The Lone Star State has one of the most stringent enforcement policies in the nation. If you’re owed child support payments, here are a few ways to enforce the order:
Wage Withholding
There are several powerful tools available when enforcing a child support order in Texas. The most common method of enforcement is wage withholding. This requires the court to send an Income Withholding Order (IWO) to the payer’s employer, who must then deduct the amount ordered from each paycheck.
Enforcement Strategies and the Attorney General
In addition to wage withholding, the State of Texas also utilizes other enforcement strategies to ensure that child support orders are met. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) can enforce a child support order by reporting delinquent payers to credit bureaus, intercepting state and federal income tax refunds,
The OAG can also enforce a child support order by placing liens on property, suspending driver’s licenses, and suspending professional and recreational licenses. In addition, the OAG can refer cases of unpaid child support to local district attorneys for criminal prosecution.
Court Order Enforcement
In addition to the enforcement strategies mentioned above, you can also seek a court order. You can file a motion for contempt with the court if you’re owed child support payments and the payer hasn’t complied with the court order. The motion will ask the court to enforce the order and require that the payer begin making payments. The court can enforce its order by imposing fines, jail time, or other penalties.
Keep in mind that no matter which enforcement strategy you choose, your primary goal should always be getting the child support payments you’re owed. With the right enforcement tools, you can ensure that your child gets the financial support they need and deserve.
Work With an Attorney
If you’re struggling to enforce a child support order in Texas, it’s vital to seek legal advice from an experienced family law attorney. An attorney can help you navigate complex state laws and regulations and find the right solution for enforcing a child support order. At Mueller Family Law Group, our team is dedicated to helping our clients achieve the outcome that meets their needs.
Learn more about how we can help enforce a child support order or schedule a consultation with a member of our team by calling (214) 225-6766 or visiting our website.